Reclaim your confidence and masculine power in sexuality and in life!

Book a Discovery Call

Hi! I am super excited to offer:

Thrive! Tools To Thrive As A Man In This Modern World.

Communicate your love and create the relationship you desire (starting with yourself.)

Be the confident man you want to be in this modern world.

Create a safe space to explore desires, fantasies and personal truths.

Heal old wounds creating obstacles in your life.

Create a relationship that supports you to both thrive.

Create space for her to be her full sexual expression.

Feel safe to be your full sexual expression.

Become friends with anger and frustration.

Discover your multiorgasmic potential.

Forgive yourself for the past, embracing and celebrating the man you are now.

Unlock your full sexual expression even if you thought you already had.



Text or email me to join the waitlist for the next offering!  Come together in community with other awesome conscious men and be held by the divine feminine. Live the life and  have the relationship you truly desire.

A 10 week course to support men creating intimate relationships full of passion, intimacy and support.

  • Explore being a man in this modern culture.

  • Find full satisfaction in your love and sex life.

  • Unlock your full sexual power

  • Be confident as your authentic self

  • Be initiated into the world of sacred sexuality

  • Feel safe to have desire and communicate your desires

 You will develop tools to feel comfortable with your emotions while also exploring sexual polarity to enhance your relationship and sex.

I will guide you into the depths of who you are, help you find your voice and connect to what you’re needing to feel safe and fully you sexually and in a relationship. Journey to support yourself to be the man you want to be in this modern culture, deepen into yourself and create the relationship you desire with yourself and with another.

New content will be released each week Sunday evening. Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 11am we will have a group call together for questions, coaching and connection. 

Also included are two one on one coaching sessions with me to support you on the journey with a value of $500.

The cost is one payment of $2000, two payments of $1000 or 4 payments of $500.

Want to learn more about the course? Ready to register? 

Click on the link below to book a discovery call with Aumsong to explore if this is right for you. If you can't find a time that works email me at [email protected] or text me at 250 203 2163.

Join Thrive!

Reclaim your confidence & masculine power in your sexuality & in life! 

Book a Discovery Call Now

About Aumsong.

Aumsong helps men to reclaim their confidence & masculine power in their sexuality & in life!  

Right now we are navigating a new world, awareness is shifting, the divine feminine is waking and rising. As we find our equilibrium, there is a need for redefining true masculinity and what it means to be a man.

Men have been looking for role models and tools for connecting to their authentic nature: sexually, emotionally, and generally. And unlike women, men have had very few spaces created for them to share their innermost selves safely without being judged or ridiculed.

With a Masters in Medical Qigong, I have a strong foundation in the energetic blockages that create disconnection within self and feed disempowering stories. As a Sex and Intimacy Coach I am dedicated to holding sacred, nonjudgemental space where men can share anything and everything, nothing is taboo. Through my own sexual healing journey, and trustworthy relationship with the men in my life I have been led to: helping men to connect back to their authentic selves, their freedom, consciousness and power through healing their relationship to sexuality, transforming societal constructs, and healing the wounds from childhood and intimate relationships, to know true safety within themself.  

My mission is to guide men in mastering the tools necessary for a deeper, more powerful, more intimate and more pleasurable relationship to oneself and to one’s lover.

I am so grateful for all the amazing men in my life! Thank you for being you!

Join Thrive!

Reclaim your confidence & masculine power in your sexuality & in life! 

Book a Discovery Call

Develop tools to feel comfortable with your emotions while also exploring sexual polarity to enhance your relationship and sex.

Communicate your love and create the relationship you desire.

Be the man you want to be in this modern culture. Find your voice and connect to what you’re needing to feel safe and fully you in a relationship.